This site is created for collectors of mainly composition vintage toy soldiers produced by great toy makers of the past: Elastolin, Hausser, Lineol, Durso, Kienel, Starlux, Leyla, Schusso, Armee, Trico, Duro, Durolin, NB, Triumph, GJ and many others.

Toy soldiers and real battles: July 2022

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Sunday, July 31, 2022

East German soldiers crossing a river on an inflatable boat

The first generation of PGH Effelder NVA (DDR army) "rubber" soldiers was painted in camouflage (Tarnfarben). PGH Effelder produced this type of soldiers from 1968 till 1979. The wooden inflatable boat is borrowed from Elastolin (Hausser).

Friday, July 29, 2022

Belgian soldiers are testing RL-83 Blindicide antitank rocket launcher

The RL-83 Blindicide is an antitank rocket launcher that was produced by Mecar SA of Belgium from 1953 until 1968 and was an improved derivative of the American M20A1 Bazooka. It had an effective range of 400 metres and its 83mm warhead could penetrate 2 inches of rolled armour plate at 90 degrees. Its name roughly means "tank killer", derived from the French "véhicule blindé" (armoured car) and the suffix -cide. In 50s, Durso (Belgium) produced composition Belgian army soldiers armored with the RL-83 Blindicide. It is interesting to notice that Durso initially produced postwar Belgian army soldiers equiiped by British "Brodie" helmets but later changed them to the U.S. M1 type.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

NVA army soldiers from PGH Effelder

The National People's Army (NVA) were the armed forces of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1956 to 1990. NVA officers often served as combat advisers in Africa.Some of the first NVA advisors went to the Republic of the Congo in 1973. During the 1980s at various times the NVA had advisors in Algeria, Angola, Ethiopia, Guinea, Iraq, Libya, Mozambique, South Yemen, and Syria. These NVA "rubber" soldiers were produced by PGH Effelder (DDR) from 1979 to 1990.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

En avant !

French soldiers in gas masks (Durso, Belgium,50s) and a wooden model of the SOMUA S35 cavalry tank (France, 40s). The SOMUA S35 was a French cavalry tank of the Second World War. Built from 1936 until 1940 to equip the armoured divisions of the Cavalry, it was for its time a relatively agile medium-weight tank, superior in armour and armament to its French and foreign competitors, such as the contemporary versions of the German Panzer III medium tank. During the German invasion of May 1940, the SOMUA S35 proved itself to be a tactically effective type, but this was negated by the French command's strategic mistakes in deploying their Cavalry armoured divisions. After the defeat of France in June 1940, limiting production to a total of about 440, captured SOMUA S35s were used by the Axis powers, some of them on the Eastern Front.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The 3.7 cm Pak 36 with crew

The Pak 36 (Panzerabwehrkanone 36) is a 3.7 cm / 37mm caliber German anti-tank gun used during the Second World War. It was the main anti-tank weapon of Wehrmacht Panzerjäger units until 1942. This Hausser made tinplate 3.7 cm Pak 36 (8705 Panzerabwehrgeschutz) with Elastolin composition artillery crew was produced in 30s (Germany).

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Gasangriff ! Gas Attack !

One of the persisting features of WWI was the large-scale use of chemical weapons- gases. Although chemical warfare caused less than 1% of the total deaths in this war, the ‘psy-war’ or fear factor was intimidating. Hence, chemical weapons were subsequently absolutely prohibited by the Geneva Protocol of 1925. WW1 German soldiers in gas masks were produced by Kienel (Germany) in 30s.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

U.S. army soldiers and Humber Armoured Car

Composition U.S. army soldiers produced by Leyla (Germany) and the wooden Humber Armoured Car produced in France in the end of 40s. The Humber Armoured Car was one of the most widely produced British armoured cars of the Second World War. It supplemented the Humber Light Reconnaissance Car and remained in service until the end of the war.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Britains Deetail 9780 Kettenkrad Halftrack

In 70s, Britains Deetail produced this model of German Kettenkrad half track with 2 man crew (driver and passenger). The Sd.Kfz.2 is a half-track motorcycle with a single front wheel. It was used by the military of Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

T17E1 Staghound Armoured Car and Leyla composition soldiers

The T17E1 Armoured Car was an American armored car produced during the World War II. The T17E1 saw service with British and other Commonwealth forces during the war under the name Staghound. This wooden model of the T17E1 was produced in France (the end of 40s).This toy model also has some similarity to the British Humber Armoured Car. It goes well with Leyla composition soldiers from 50s !

Friday, July 8, 2022

Little big

Elastolin composition figures were manufactured in 40mm, 65mm (6.5-cm), 70mm (7-cm), and 105mm (10.5 cm) scales. The Elastolin catalogs of the 1930s describe the 7-cm figures as being "normal size" (normalgrosse) and the 4-cm figures as Miniatur-Soldaten. When collectors talk about their hobby of collecting composition toy soldiers, they usually refer to the 7 and 7.5 cm scale soldiers as being their favorite. These have been the most collected sizes of Elastolin soldiers for many years.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

French WW1 composition soldiers from different German and Belgian makers

Nice recent trophies ! Several composition soldiers representing WW1 French army from famous German and Belgian makers ! Schusso ! Kienel ! Durolin ! Elastolin ! Lisanto ! Durso !

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Hausser/Elastolin Krupp Protze Kfz.70

The Krupp Protze Kfz.70  was a six-wheeled 6x4 German truck and artillery tractor produced between 1934 and 1941 and heavily used in World War II. It was powered by a 4-cylinder, 55 hp or, from 1936, 60 hp Krupp M 304 petrol engine. Its main purpose was to tow artillery, especially the 3.7 cm Pak 36 anti-tank gun and transport motorized infantry. Hausser/Elastolin produced 1/24 wind up tinplate model of the Krupp Protze with electric lights and a 6-man crew of composition soldiers! This model painted in Feldgrau with a fabric tent was produced in the late 30s.